来源:自学PHP网 时间:2015-04-17 13:03 作者: 阅读:次
[导读] 标题: Paddelberg#39;s topsite-script admin auth bypass.作者: Christian Inci下载地址: http://www.paddelberg.de/gratis-toplisten-script/gratis-download/影响版本: = 1.23 (22. 9. 2007)测......
标题: Paddelberg's topsite-script admin auth bypass.
作者: Christian Inci 下载地址: http://www.paddelberg.de/gratis-toplisten-script/gratis-download/ 影响版本: <= 1.23 (22. 9. 2007) 测试平台: 1.23 示例测试 1.: Open a random cookie editor. 2.: Create a cookie, as usually: 2.1: Set the host name. 2.2: Set the path name. (e.g.: "[script-base-path]/admin/") 2.3: Set the cookie name to "xxxtopa". 2.4: Set the cookie value to ":". 2.5: Save it. 3.: Visit the following URL: "[script-base-url]/admin/". (This won't work if the directory is "protected" with a .htaccess file.) 4.: 想干啥干啥 |