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Linux系统备份恢复工具SYSTEM-RESCUE-CD的使用 - Linu

来源:自学PHP网    时间:2015-04-14 10:17 作者: 阅读:

[导读] 测试系统:linux-debian备份系统1、插入dd有systemrescuecd-x86-4 0 1 iso的系统备份恢复U盘;2、开机按DEL进入BIOS,设置BOOT为USB-HDD启动。SaveExit;3、进入备份恢复系统界面:--------------------...


	|	    SYSTEM-RESCUE-CD 4.0.4 (		   
	|   1) SystemRescueCd: default boot opetions			   
	|   2) SystemRescueCd: all files cached to memory (docache)	   
	|   3) SystemRescueCd: framebuffer console in high resolution	   
	|   4) SystemRescueCd: do not ask for keyboard, use US keymap	   
	|   5) Boot an exising Linux system installed on the disk	   
	|   6) SystemRescueCd: alternative kernel with default boot option 
	|   7) SystemRescueCd: directly start the graphical environment	   
	|   A) Run system tools from floppy disk image...              >   
	|   B) Standard 32bit kernel (rescue32) with more choice...    >   
	|   C) Standard 64bit kernel (rescue64) with more choice...    >   
	|   D) Alternative 32bit kernel (altker32) with more choice... >   
	|   E) Alternative 64bit kernel (altker64) with more choice... >   
	|   *) Boot from first hard disk				   
	|   *) Boot from second hard disk				   
   选择1),回车。 (大概等待10分钟,视服务器而定)
4、查看系统分区:fdisk -l
	Model: ATA ST330621A (scsi)
	Disk /dev/sda: 30.0GB
	Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
	Partition Table: gpt
	Disk Flags: 

	Number  Start   End     Size    File system     Name  Flags
	 1      17.4kB  1000MB  1000MB  ext2                  boot
	 2      1000MB  3000MB  2000MB  linux-swap(v1)
	 3      3000MB  8000MB  5000MB  ext3
	 4      8000MB  30.0GB  22.0GB  ext3

	Model: Generic Flash Disk (scsi)
	Disk /dev/sdb: 8020MB
	Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
	Partition Table: msdos
	Disk Flags: 

	Number  Start  End     Size    Type     File system  Flags
	 1      512B   8020MB  8020MB  primary  fat32        boot, lba

    查看当前U盘目录及使用情况:df -h
	Filesystem	Size	Used	Avall	Use%	Mounted on
	rootfs		498M	800K	497M	1%	/
	udev		10M	0	10M	0%	/dev
	/dev/sdb1	7.5G	2.7G	4.9G	36%	/livemnt/boot
	/dev/loop0	339M	339M	0	100%	/livemnt/squashfs
	tmpfs		498M	800K	497M	1%	/livemnt/memory
	none		498M	800K	497M	1%	/
	tmpfs		512M	16K	512M	1%	/livemnt/tftpmem
	none		512M	16K	512M	1%	/tftpboot
	tmpfs		498M	636K	497M	1%	/run
	udev		10M	0	10M	0%	/dev
	shm		498M	0	498M	0%	/dev/shm
	cgroup_root	10M	0	10M	0%	/sys/fs/cgroup
	tmpfs		498M	0	498M	0%	/tmp

5、 挂载U盘分区:
    mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/floppy
    mount -o remount,rw /livemnt/boot/
6、 创建镜像:partimage
	|			Partition Image 0.6.9			     
	| * Partition to save?restore					     
	|   sda1				ext2fs		953.00 MiB   
	|   sda2				swap (v1)	1.86 GiB     
	|   sda3				ext3fs		5.00 GiB     
	|   sda5				ext3fs		25.16 GiB    
	|   sdb1				fat32		7.47 GiB     
	| * Image file to create/use					     
	|   ___________________________________________________________ <*>  
	| Action to be done:					<Next (F5)>  
	| (*) Save partition into a new image file			     
	| ( ) Restore partition from an image file		<About>	     
	| ( ) Restore an MBR from the image file			     
	|							<Exit (F6)>  
	| [ ] Connect to server						     
	|	IP/name of the server: ________________________ Port: 4025__ 
	|	[X] Encrypt data on the network with SSL		     
    [1] 选择要备份的区域:
	 sda1				ext2fs		953.00 MiB 
    [2] 填写要存储的备份文件名:
	/livemnt/boot/ncweb_img/ncweb_sda1_boot.img	<*>
    [3] 选择备份新镜像:
	(*) Save partition into a new image file
    [4] 按F5进入下一步:
	|			save partition to image file			
	| Compression level							
	| ( ) None (very fast + very big file)					
	| (*) Gzip (.gz: medium speed + small image file)			
	| ( ) Bzip2 (.bz2: very slow + very smaill image file)			
	| Options				If finished successfully:	
	| [X] Check partition before saving	(*) Wait			
	| [X] Enter description			( ) Halt			
	| [ ] Overwrite without prompt		( ) Reboot			
	|					( ) Quit			
	| Image splut mode			( ) Last			
	| ( ) Automatic split (when no space left)				
	| (*) Into files whose size is:........... 2037____MiB			
	| [ ] Wait after each volume change					
	|	<Contine (F5)>	<Exit (F6)>	<Main window (F7)>		
    [5] 描述镜像文件:
	|			Parition description				
	| You can enter a description of the saved partition:			
	| ________________________________________________________________	
	|				------					
	|				| OK |					
	|				------					
	如填写:ncweb sda1 boot 2.0GB image
    [6] 提示当前分区信息,点击OK:
	Ext3fs informations
	Spave usage:........................8%
	Used space:.........................2.17 GiB
	Free space:.........................23.00 GiB
	Bitmap size:........................3.15 MiB
	Number of groups:...................202
	First block:........................0
	Ext3fs journalization:..............yes
	Sparse super block:.................yes
	Large files support:................yes
	File system revision:...............1
    [7] 生成镜像:
	|			save partition to image file				
	|  Partition to save:.........../dev/sda5					
	|  Size of the Partition:.......25.16 GiB = 27018657792 bytes			
	|  Current image file:........../livemnt/boot/ncweb_img/ncweb_sda1_boot.img000	
	|  Image file size:.............238.13 MiB					
	|  Available space for image:...4.45 GiB = 4721212313 bytes			
	|  Detected file system:........ext3fs						
	|  Compression level:...........gzip						
	|  Time elapsed:................3m:45sec					
	|  Estimated time remaining:....1m:23sec					
	|  Speed:.......................388.32 MiB/min					
	|  Data copied:.................1.75 GiB / 2.17 GiB				
	|	_____________________________8%___________________________________	
    [8] 完成,点击OK:
	Operation successfully finished:
	Time elapased: 5m:53sec
	Speed: 376.9 MiB/min
	Data copied: 2.17 GiB
    [1] MBR类型
    # sfdisk -d /dev/sda > /mnt/floppy/ncweb.fdisk
    [2] GPT等类型
    # gdisk
    GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.8
    Type device filename, or press <Enter> to exit: /dev/sda
    Partition table scan:
	MBR: MBR only
	BSD: not present
	APM: not present
	GPT: not present
    Found invalid GPT and valid MBR; converting MBR to GPT format
    typing 'q'  if you don't want to convert your MBR partitions
    to GPT format!
    Command (? for help): 
    Command (? for help): b
    Enter backup filename to save:
    Enter backup filename to save: /livemnt/boot/ncwww_img/ncwww.fdisk
    The operation has completed successfully.

   [1] MBR类型:
   # sfdisk /dev/sda < /mnt/floppy/ncweb.fdisk
   [2] GPT等类型
    GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.8
    Type device filename, or press <Enter> to exit: /dev/sda
    Partition table scan:
	MBR: MBR only
	BSD: not present
	APM: not present
	GPT: not present
    Found invalid GPT and valid MBR; converting MBR to GPT format
    typing 'q'  if you don't want to convert your MBR partitions
    to GPT format!
    Command (? for help): 
   [3] 输入恢复命令:r
   Command (? for help): r
   Recovery/transformation command (? for help):
   [4] 输入子命令:l
   Recovery/transformation command (? for help): l
   Enter backup filename to load:
   [5] 输入要恢复的文件名:/livemnt/boot/ncwww_img/ncwww.fdisk
   Enter backup filename to load: /livemnt/boot/ncwww_img/ncwww.fdisk
   Recovery/transformation command (? for help):
   [6] 输入写入的子命令:w
   Recovery/transformation command (? for help): w
   Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING
   [7] 输入Y,确认进行恢复:
   Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): Y
   OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to /dev/sda.
   The operation has completed suceesfully.
2、恢复分区: partimage
	|			Partition Image 0.6.9			     
	| * Partition to save?restore					     
	|   sda1				ext2fs		953.00 MiB   
	|   sda2				swap (v1)	1.86 GiB     
	|   sda3				ext3fs		5.00 GiB     
	|   sda5				ext3fs		25.16 GiB    
	|   sdb1				fat32		7.47 GiB     
	| * Image file to create/use					     
	|   ___________________________________________________________ <*>  
	| Action to be done:					<Next (F5)>  
	| ( ) Save partition into a new image file			     
	| (*) Restore partition from an image file		<About>	     
	| ( ) Restore an MBR from the image file			     
	|							<Exit (F6)>  
	| [ ] Connect to server						     
	|	IP/name of the server: ________________________ Port: 4025__ 
	|	[X] Encrypt data on the network with SSL		     
    [1] 选择要恢复的区域:
	 sda1				ext2fs		953.00 MiB 
    [2] 填写要恢复用的镜像文件名:
	/livemnt/boot/ncweb_img/ncweb_sda1_boot.img	<*>
    [3] 选择用镜像恢复:
	(*) Restore partition from an image file
    [4] 按F5,进入下一步,直接点击OK。
	|	    SYSTEM-RESCUE-CD 4.0.4 (		   
 	|   1) SystemRescueCd: default boot opetions			   
 	|   2) SystemRescueCd: all files cached to memory (docache)	   
 	|   3) SystemRescueCd: framebuffer console in high resolution	   
 	|   4) SystemRescueCd: do not ask for keyboard, use US keymap	   
 	|   5) Boot an exising Linux system installed on the disk	   
 	|   6) SystemRescueCd: alternative kernel with default boot option 
 	|   7) SystemRescueCd: directly start the graphical environment	   
 	|   A) Run system tools from floppy disk image...              >   
 	|   B) Standard 32bit kernel (rescue32) with more choice...    >   
	|   C) Standard 64bit kernel (rescue64) with more choice...    >   
 	|   D) Alternative 32bit kernel (altker32) with more choice... >   
 	|   E) Alternative 64bit kernel (altker64) with more choice... >   
 	|   *) Boot from first hard disk				   
 	|   *) Boot from second hard disk				   
   选择5),回车。 (大概等待10分钟,视服务器而定)
   # grub-install /dev/sda
   # grub-install /dev/sda --force
gdisk其它功能,如创建分区[n],删除分区[d],改写分区类型[t] 等命令参数,请自行通过帮助命令?,来了解。 



