来源:自学PHP网 时间:2015-04-14 11:51 作者: 阅读:次
[导读] 一、网络设定:VMware IP地址自动获取:VM--Settings-Network Adapter 默认使用NAT(share host#39;s IP)修改成Bridged(connect direct to physical network)A、以DHCP方式配置网卡编辑文件/etc/ne......
VMware IP地址自动获取: VM-->Settings->Network Adapter 默认使用NAT(share host's IP)修改成Bridged(connect direct to physical network) A、以DHCP方式配置网卡 编辑文件/etc/network/interfaces: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces 并用下面的行来替换有关eth0的行: # The primary network interface - use DHCP to find our address auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp 用下面的命令使网络设置生效: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 也可以在命令行下直接输入下面的命令来获取地址 sudo dhclient eth0 B、如果修改成为网卡配置静态IP地址 编辑文件/etc/network/interfaces: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces 并用下面的行来替换有关eth0的行:# The primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address gateway netmask #network #broadcast 将上面的ip地址等信息换成你自己就可以了.用下面的命令使网络设置生效: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 要访问DNS 服务器来进行查询,需要设置/etc/resolv.conf文件. nameserver nameserver nameserver 二、网络代理设定 Ubuntu 10.04 System(系统)- Preferences(首先项)- Network Proxy(网络代理)工具来配置。 以上设定完成以后:/etc/apt/apt.conf 内容变为: Acquire::http::proxy ""; Acquire::ftp::proxy ""; Acquire::https::proxy ""; 或者直接修改此文件也可以 此时网络代码将生效 三、apt-get instal 安装软件 首先配置下载源地址:【需求针对不同的ubuntu版本而定,下面给定的为ubuntu10.04版本】 台湾源不错: deb http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid main universe restricted multiverse deb-src http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid main universe restricted multiverse deb http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security universe main multiverse restricted deb-src http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security universe main multiverse restricted deb http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates universe main multiverse restricted deb http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid-proposed universe main multiverse restricted deb-src http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid-proposed universe main multiverse restricted deb http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid-backports universe main multiverse restricted deb-src http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid-backports universe main multiverse restricted deb-src http://Ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates universe main multiverse restricted 更新源,其实也就是更新其上面的头文件,带有可以下载的软件名称及版本等 sudo apt-get update 四、nfs 配置 安装服务端软件: $sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server $sudo apt-get install nfs-common 配置nfs 路径: $sudo gedit /etc/exports "/nfsdir *(rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)" 启动服务: $sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start 注意点: Privileges is very important so when running from NFS please make sure that you have the option "no_root_squash" in /etc/exports, eg: /nfsdir *(rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash) 五、samba 服务配置 (共享群组可读写文件夹) Samba install: sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin system-config-samba smbfs smbclient 建立用户及密码 系统->管理->用户和组 添加 添加网络使用者的帐号 sudo smbpasswd -a smbuser sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf 找到下关键字:; security = user 用这几行取代: security = share 将下列几行新增到文件的最后面,假设允许访问的用户为:smbuser 而文件夹的共享名为ShareFolder [ShareFolder] comment = Shared Folder with username and password path = /home/smbuser/ public = yes writable = yes valid users = messcode create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 force user = nobody force group = nogroup available = yes browseable = yes 找到[global]把workgroup = MSHOME 改成 workgroup = WORKGROUP display charset = UTF-8 unix charset = UTF-8 dos charset = cp936 后面的三行是为了防止出现中文目录乱码的情况 启动服务: sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart 六、远程ssh 登录配置 Change shell from dash to bash $ls -al /bin/sh $sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash sudo apt-get install openssh-server 设置无密码登录本机 生成密码对 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa 再把id_dsa.pub 追加到授权key 里面 $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 测试ssh localhost ~$ ssh localhost .... 选择yes 利用ssh登录显示: Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Welcome to Ubuntu! * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/ 4 packages can be updated. 0 updates are security updates. The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. 如何开启root用户登录:root用户默认是不开启的,开启后也是不能从登陆界面直接用root用户登陆 开启: sudo passwd root; 禁用:sudo passwd -l root; 七、tftp 服务器配置 tftp install Install "xinetd", "tftpd" and "tftp" using apt-get: $sudo apt-get install xinetd tftpd tftp Create tftpd config file if it is not exist, edit it as below : $sudo vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftpd service tftp { protocol = udp port = 69 socket_type = dgram wait = yes user = nobody server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd server_args = /tftpboot disable = no } Create tftp directory and change permission and owner : $ sudo mkdir /tftpboot $ sudo chmod -R 777 /tftpboot $ sudo chown -R nobody /tftpboot $ sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart 八、android编译 Install utilities for buiding android : $sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev * use sudo without password $sudo gedit /etc/sudoers USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL e.x.) kwlee ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL |