来源:自学PHP网 时间:2015-04-14 11:51 作者: 阅读:次
[导读] 首先安装基本开发环境:sudo apt-get install ssh vim samba tftp nfs安装编译openwrt须要的包:解压openwrt包编译出错:Build dependency: Please install the GNU C++ Compiler (g++).Build d......
首先安装基本开发环境: sudo apt-get install ssh vim samba tftp nfs
安装编译openwrt须要的包: 解压openwrt包编译出错: Build dependency: Please install the GNU C++ Compiler (g++).
Build dependency: Please install ncurses. (Missing libncurses.so or ncurses.h)
Build dependency: Please install zlib. (Missing libz.so or zlib.h)
Build dependency: Please install GNU awk. www.2cto.com
Build dependency: Please install flex.
Build dependency: Please install patch.
Build dependency: Please install git (git-core).
Build dependency: Please install the subversion client.
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex patch git-core g++ subversion
作者 mutes