来源:自学PHP网 时间:2015-04-16 10:50 作者: 阅读:次
[导读] 一,创建表T1:create table t1(col1 char(6) not null default ,col2 character(6),col3 varchar(6),col4 national varchar(6)); 二,查看表结构:desc t1;explain t1;show colum...
一,创建表T1: create table t1( col1 char(6) not null default '', col2 character(6), col3 varchar(6), col4 national varchar(6));
show create table t1; CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `col1` char(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `col2` char(6) DEFAULT NULL, `col3` varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL, `col4` varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 从查看表结构show create table t1 可以看出,MySQL系统里把char和character当做是一样的,都用char表示;varchar和national varchar是一样的,都用varchar表示。 四,增加一个表列 alter table t1 add column col5 varchar(30);
五,删除一个表列 alter table t1 drop column col6;
六,查看警告 alter table t1 drop column col8; 表中没有col8的列 Level Code Message 'Error', '1091', 'Can''t DROP ''col8''; check that column/key exists'
七,sql_mode的查看和设置 查看sql_mode 的默认值 select @@sql_mode; 修改sql_mode的默认值 set sql_mode='pad_char_to_full_length'; 可以同时设置多个值,中间用逗号隔开 SET sql_mode='STRICT_ALL_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO';
八,查看帮助 help year; create table t1( col1 char(6) not null default '', col2 character(6), col3 varchar(6), col4 national varchar(6)); char和character是一样的 查看表结构:
alter table t1 drop col2; show warning; sql_mode 默认是'' select length(col1),col1,length(col3),col3 from t1; alter table t1 var_t add col2 varchar(1000); create table var_utf(col1 varchar(65000)) charset=utf8;
SET can support 64 members create table set_t(col1 set('F','M','UN')); insert into set_t values('F'); insert into set_t values('M'); insert into set_t values('FM'); insert into set_t values('F,M'); insert into set_t values('F,M,UM'); select col1,col1+0 from set_t;
tinyint 1Byte smallint 2Bytes mediumint 3Bytes auto_increment int(integer) 4Bytes auto_increment money,salary, int(1) 1表示显示的宽度 bigint 8Bytes science digit,population create table int_t(id int(2)); insert into int_t values(12345678); insert into int_t values(1234567899); create table int_t2(id int(6) zerofill); insert into int_t2 vlues(12345678); insert into int_t2 vlues(123); help decimal; decimal 默认是10个bytes decimal(g,f) g can up to 65, g can up to 30 create table dec_t(id decimal(10,2)); insert into desc_t values(1000.22); DATETIME 8Bytes YEAR DATE 3Bytes TIME 3Bytes TIMESTAMP Zero mysql>help year; create table y_t1(col1 year(2),col2 year(4),col1 year(100)); insert into y_t1 values('77','1977-01-09',''); insert into y_t1 values('','','2188'); create table timestamp_t1(col timestamp default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp,id smallint); desc timestamp; insert into timestamp_t1 values('',100); insert into timestamp_t1 values(now(),200); update timestamp_t1 set id=101 where id=100; 加载入时区到mysql数据库 cd /usr/local/mysql/bin .mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql - uroot -S /tmp/mysql3307.sock mysql select * from create table tz_t1(login_d timestamp default current_timestamp); show variables like 'time_zone%'; insert into tz_t1 values(now()); select * from tz_t1; set time_zone='America/Los_Angeles'; show character set; 查看当前数据库字符集 2014-07-08 5th as begining create table bit_t1(bt bit(10)); insert into bit_t1 values (0),(1),(2); select * from bit_t1; select bt,bt+0 from bit_t1; select bt,bt+0,bin(bt) from bit_t1; insert into bit_t1 set bt=b'11111'; select bt,bt+0,bin(bt) from bit_t1; select * from bit_t1 where bt=11111; select * from bit_t1 where bt='11111'; select * from bit_t1 where bin(bt)=11111; delete from bit_t1 where bin(bt)=11111; float(p) p: precision p最大24 如果大于24直接专成double create table flo_t(id float(10),id2 float(24), id3 float(25)); desc flo_t; alter table flo_t add id4 float(50)); desc flo_t; DOUBLE DOUBLE(g,f) show variables like 'sql_mode'; set sql_mode='real_as_float'; create table real_t(id real(10)); help real; create table real_t(id real(10,2)); desc real_t; set sql_mode=''; drop table real_t; create table real_t(id real(10,2)); NOT NULL NULL DEFAULT AUTO_INCREMENT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL CRATE table auto_t1(id smallint auto_increment primary key); desc auto_t1; insert into auto_t1 values(); select * from auto_t1; insert into auto_t1 values(); select * from auto_t1; show variables like 'auto_increment%'; select last_insert_id(); BOOL HELP BOOL; help boolean; select if(0,'true','fals'); MySQL management mysql mysqladmin mysqlshow which mysql vi .mysql_history mysql>status mysql>show databases; mysql>\s mysql>select database(); mysql>select current_user(); mysql>nopager mysql>create database ch charset=utf8; mysql>use ch; mysql>\s mysql>set names utf8; mysql>\s mysql>grant all on *.* to watson@localhost identified by 'watson'; flush privileges; 三种连接数据库方式: mysql -u watson -p mydbname mysql -u watson -p -D mydbname mysql -u watson -p --database=mydbname 切换数据库: mysql>use dbname; mysql>\u dbname vi pwd watson chmod 700 pwd mysql -uwatson -p'cat pwd' vi show set names utf8; show databases; show databases; use test; create table tt(id int not null,name varchar(100)) engine=innodb; 非交互方式: rename table tt to ttt; mysql>source show; pwd mysql>\. /root/show; #mysql -uwatson -p'cat pwd' -e "show databases;" #mysql -uwatson -p'cat pwd' -e "show processlist;" #mysql -uwatson -p'cat pwd' -e "show master status;" #mysql -uwatson -p'cat pwd' -e "show master status\G;" exit,quit or \q
mysqladmin命令: shutdown database create database drop database display variables & status flush kill mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' create dbname mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' drop dbname mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' extended-status mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' flush-privileges mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' processlist mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' kill processid mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' ping /etc/init.d/mysqld stop mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' ping /etc/init.d/mysqld start mysqladmin -h -uwatson -p'cat pwd' ping ping其他的主机 mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' status --sleep=1 --count=2 mysqladmin -uwatson -p'cat pwd' status --sleep=1 --count=2 mysqlshow用法: mysqlshow --help mysqlshow mysqlaccess --howto mysqlaccess --help Mysql query browser 像OEM http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/gui-tools Metadata元数据 data dictionary(frm file) create table my1(id int) engine=myiasm; file my1.frm strings my1.frm create table my2(id int) engine=innodb; create table csv1(id int not null) engine=csv; create table arc1(id int not null) engine=archive; create view v1 as select * from my1; show create table v1; strings v1.frm show variables 'version%' set @a='abc'; select @a; show variables like 'sort_buffer%'; set sort_buffer_size=256*1024; set sort_buffer_size=default; show variables like 'tx_isolation%'; help isolation; set session transaction isolation level read committed; show variables like 'tx_isolation%'; set global transaction isolation level read uncommitted; use information_schema; desc global_variables; select * from global_variables where variable_name='max_connections'; show variables like 'max_connections%'; select @@global.max_connections set global max_connections=1000; show status; show status like 'open%'; show global status ; show session status ; show global status like 'open%'; show session status like 'open%'; show master status; show slave status; desc tables; select * from tables where table_type !='SYSTEM VIEW' limit 1\G; show profiles; show varibales like 'prof%'; set profiling = ON; select * from tables where table_type !='SYSTEM VIEW' limit 1\G; SHOW PROFILES; help SHOW PROFILES; show profile for query 1; show profile CPU for query 1; USER_privileges; schema_privileges; table_privileges; column_privileges; desc processlist; Binary Log: record of changes(ddl,dml) Used for replication or Point-In-Time-Recovery(PITR) how to enable binlog vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf #log_bin = /opt/binary/[basename] log_bin = /opt/binary/CHANGE mkdir /opt/binary/ chown -R mysql /opt/binary/ 启动服务 /etc/init.d/mysql start cd /opt/binary ls -lt flush logs; 回自动的切换日志文件 help purge; 自动删除log --expire_log_days show variables like 'expire_log%'; binlog files Index file cat CHANGE.index mysqlbinlog CHANGE.000001 show binlog events; - IN file - FROM position - LIMIT events show binlog events help show binary logs; show binlog events in 'CHANGE.000002'; show binlog events in 'CHANGE.000002' from 106; show binlog events in 'CHANGE.000002' from 106 limit 1; purge binary logs to filename; purge binary logs before datetime; purge binary logs to 'CHANGE.000001'; purge binary logs to 'CHANGE.000002'; flush logs; insert into a values (131,'gen'); show binary logs; show binlog evnets in 'CHANGE.000003'; purge binary logs before '2010-03-31 7:25:09'; RESET MASTER 很危险,删除所有的logs ,生产环境注意一定。相当与oracle 的 resetlogs Binary Log Structure: common header post-header mysqlbinlog CHANGE.000004 Context event(s) + Query event = Binlog Group select rand(); create table a(id int); insert into a values( rand()); The replicaion user with the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege can read everything. alter table a add pass varchar(200); update a set pass=password('123'); 如何让密码在log里加密看不到明文 set @passwd=password('123') update a set pass=@passwd; 如何查看log文件 show variables like 'log%'; show variables like '%log%'; Error_log --content(text) :includes error occur|startup|shutdown Specify:--log_error=file_name (option) log_error=file_name(configuration) Rotate log: flush logs, (shell: mysqladmin flush_logs mysqladmin refresh) 启动日志: mysql_safe --user=mysql & 关闭日志:mysqladmin -S /tmp/mysql3308.sock shutdown mysqld --verbose --hlep | grep debug which mysqld (查看mysqld在什么路径) mysqld --debug=d,info,error,query,genernal,where:o,/temp/mysqld.trace --user mysql & show variables like 'max_connect%'; gdb -p 25056 -ex "set max_connections=200" -batch show variables like 'max_connect%'; general_log(普通日志) -all queries -be used to debug config: --log[=file_name] -Log_output=[] mysql --log=/opt/mysql/data/gen.log --user=mysql & show variables like 'log_output%'; mysql> set log_output='TABLE'; mysql.general_log表里 mysql>set global log_output=NONE 取消日志 slow_query_log show variables like '%slow%'; mysql>set log_slow_queries=ON; mysql>set slow_query_log=ON; 慢查询 慢查询的工具tools: mysqlslowdump maatkit mysqlsla binary_log Relay log (master slave下的) innodb redo log MYISAM: Not support: Transactions FK MVCC Clustered indexes Data Caches Cluster Database Support Physical structure: .frm .myd .myi $datadir/database/tb.? show engines; /etc/my.cnf default_storage_engine=myiasm .MYD 1,fixed 2,dynamic 3,packed show columns from table :%!xxd看16进制 Full-text search indexes用来解决like查询 alter table tb add index(col1); alter table tb add unique index(col2); show index from tb; key_buffer_size =200M|2G|256*1024*1024 cache index block not data block 可以被所有thread共享 set global hotcache.key_buffer_size=60% eg. set global hotcache.key_buffer_size=10*1024*1024 cache index a in hotcache; set global warmcache.key_buffer_size=20% set global coldcache.key_buffer_size=20%大小 上面的也可以防到/etc/my.cnf里 hotcache.key_buffer_size=10M 可以写个文件: vi /etc/mysql/initcache.sql cache index test.a in hotcache 然后把上面的文件防到/etc/my.cnf里 init_file=/etc/mysql/initcache.sql 然后重新启动就可以了 concurrent_insert=0,1,2 delay_key_write=ON,OFF,ALL enumeration 枚举类型的 max_write_lock_count =5 表示等5个写锁完成后,才可以读 low_priority_updates=OFF则表是读的级别高,写的级别低 preload_buffer_size default 32k 预载入多少buffer_size show status like 'Key%'; myiasm_block_size default 1024Byte 查看linux的块的大小: getconf PAGESIZE myiasm_data_pointer_size default value is 6 tmpdir myiasm_recover myiasm_recover_options=DEFAULT,BACKUP,FORCE,QUICK myiasm_repair_threads myisam_use_mmap mmap:memory mapping Query Cache: show status like 'qcache%'; show status like 'com_%'; show status like 'query_cache%'; query cache会保存sql statement 和 result set 清除query cache flash query cache; Lock(s) in mysql: MYIASM Engine Internal locking--MySQL server External locking: OS -File system 读写同时请求的时候,写优先,读等待。 写的时候会锁整个表。串行化写 read blocks write 读锁会阻塞写 mysql>promp session1 help lock lock table t1 read 强制加锁 select * from t1; 如果当前session没有解锁,则他不能查询其他的信息了,但是其他的session是可以读的。 select * from mysql.user limit 1; 释放锁:退出session 或者unlock tables; write blocks read 写阻塞读(mysql 5.1之前的版本,之后是不阻塞的) lock table t2 write; 强制加写锁 unlock tables write blocks write 写阻塞写(指的是其他的session是不可以写的,当前的session是可以做DML的) concurrent insert & select (concurrent insert =0|1|2) 并发的插入 help lock; Myisam Tools: Mysqlcheck Myisamchk --checks,repairs,optimizes,or analyzes tables mysqlcheck --help mysqlcheck [options] databasename tablename,must be used when the mysqld server is running 创建一个内存表: create table mem(id int) engine=memory; show create table mem; mysqlcheck test mem; 不支持内存表 mysqlcheck test t1 t2; 可以检查一系列表 mysqlcheck --databases test cddl mysqlcheck -A 当前数据库的所有的表 which mysqlcheck mysqlrepair test t1 模拟损坏表(索引没有了) mv test.MYI /root/ mysqlcheck mydbname test 会出现说文件不存在 修复如下: mysqlrepair mydbname test 还是不可以修复的 check table test EXTENEDED; help repair table repair table test use_frm; check table test EXTENEDED; 这个时候就正常了 Myisamchk: 尽量这些表没有被写的时候操作 myisamckh --help | more myisamchk -r -o test.myi 如果表正在操作,我们建议用如下的: use mysql check table t1; optimize table t1; mysql>\s myisampack: 压缩表用的 man myisampack ( look help ) 解压: myisamchk -u my/test.MYI myisampack --test my/test select * from test limit 1,1; 压缩后,他就变成只读的表了。 myisamchk -rq my/test.MYI(mysql5.0 对空表会提示不需要压缩,之后的版本是可以压缩的) Innodb: 事务性引擎(InnoDB Falcon) innodb_data_file_path=datefile_spec1[;datafile_spec2]... 表空间的位置指定 innodb_data_home_dir mysql>show engines; 看培植文件: cat /usr/my.cnf | grep innodb show variables like 'innodb%'; start transaction; update t1 set balance=balance-1000 where where id=21345; update t1 set balance=balance+1000 where where id=12345; commit; ACID:atomicity consistency isolation duration isolation: read uncommitted, read committed,repeatable read--mysql default(可重复读), seriliable(串行读) MVCC:multiversion concurrency control 多版本并发控制 begin,beginwork,start transaction; commit; ROLLBACK; --ddl cannot be rolled back Savepoints; 让事务回到某个点 AUTOCOMMIT; Innodb官方: OLTP oriented performance ,reliability,scalability emulated the Oracle architecture page 16k默认大小 相当于oracle block InnoDB on Disk Format: InnoDB database files InnoDB tablespaces InnoDB pages/extents InnoDB rows InnoDB indexes InnoDB logs show variables like 'datadir%'; 默认数据位置 每个表只有两个文件 innodb_file_per_table =OFF|ON 如果是OFF 则在ibdata1(系统表空间,即共享表空间) files路径下,这样的话,ibdata 就会很大,如果不让数据文件和索引文件不要在ibdata1表空间里,则可以增加个培植文件中 /usr/my.cnf default_storage_engine=innodb innodb_file_per_table=1 or ON 数据文件和索引文件是:t1.ibd show variables like 'innodb_data%'; 也可以设置多个ibdata1 表空间,表空间由多个文件组成的 /usr/my.cnf innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:100M;ibdata2:10M:autoextend 重新启动mysql server show engines; 是看不到innodb的 回出错的,需要重新修改会10M重新启动就可以了 show engines; 这个是时候是可以看到innodb的 tail -f -30 如果innodb_file_per_table =ON的话,ibdata files只是记录:internal data dictionary|insert buffer|undo logs信息的。一些表的数据和索引信息是不会写到此表空间的 The page size is always 16KB in uncompressed tablespaces, and 1KB-16KB in compressed tablespaces(for both data and index) System Tablespace includes: internal data dictionary undo insert buffer doublewrite buffer MySQL Replication info Talbespace <--segment <-- extent <-- page <--row an page=16KB an extent=64 pages 多版本:获取和释放锁。就是更新的时候即要保存更新前(undo)的状态,也要保存新的值(redo)。等commit的时候 就安全的写到redo里。supports row lock unlimited row-level locking 可以所很多行 multi-version read-consistency. 把旧值防到undo里,供其他的session一致性读。 mysql> begin; mysql>update ttt set name='bill' where id=2; mysql>commit; update lost;更新丢失 intention locks 意象锁 共享锁SL,排它锁XL Lock type compatibility: X IX S IS X N N N N IX N Y N Y S N N Y Y IS N Y Y Y Auto-Increment Locking: 1,Innodb uses a table-level 'auto-increment lock' 2,Table-level lock occurs at time of INSERT 3,Lock is released at statement end,not transaction end 所以就是一个bottleneck when 并发大于10的时候 5.1.22 version innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 but not safe with statement-based replication or recovery scenarios. row-based replication statement-base replication Phantoms vs consistency (幻读与一直性) PHANTOM: a row that appears in a second query that was not in the first. 如何避免幻读:Gap Locking来解决,可以研究下 Innodb stores table locks in memory select ... for update sets explict row locks. show variables like 'autocommit%'; autocommit on 表示是自动提交,如果我需要自己提交,则需要显示的设置事务开始和结束。 start transaction /start work/begin ddl dml savepoint savename commit; rollback savepoint to savename;表示savename之后的操作全部回滚掉。 MySQL Lock: Locks are used by a thread to keep other threads from modifying data in the area of the database. Read Lock Write Lock dead lock Table lock myiasm |Page lock BDB | Row lock innodb show global variables like '%lock%'; show status like '%lock%'; 注意table_locks_waited值 MyISAM, Memory only supports table lock. lock tables t1 read|write lock tables t1, t2 read|write unlock tables 必须手动释放,如果手动加锁,所以手锁很危险的 help lock 必须要有lock tables权限才可以的 read lock自己和其他人都不能写 lock tables t1 read local; 自己不能写,别人可以写的,允许其他人在表的尾部写入数据。 unlock tables; lock table t1 write 自己可以读,别人读等待 lock table t1 low_priority write; show variables like '%low%'; low_priority_updates show variables like 'max_write_lock_count%'; 多少写量后,可以进行读了。 Innodb lock: row-locking 是基于innodb engine 的 table-locking 是基于mysqld的。 next-key locking gap locking insert intention gap locking show status like 'innodb_row_lock%' 看统计信息的 show variables like 'innodb_lock%' 相关的参数信息 S-SHARED X-exclusive IS Intention Shared 意向共享锁 IX Intention Exclusive 意向排它锁 显示发起锁 IX select ...for update IS select ... lock in share mode select * from lt where id=100 lock in share mode; show errors; show engine innodb status\G innotop 见控锁的工具 INNODB 回自动的帮表加个索引,如果没有创建索引的话 prompt (session 1 \u@\h [\d]) (\R:\m:\s)> set session|global transaction level read uncommitted|read committed select @@session.tx_isolation; read uncommitted 会发生脏读 Phantom reads: 幻读 同一个事务中,不同的时间,读的信息不一样。 脏读和幻读区别不明白 DDL 是隐式的自动提交。 Replication: Master: -changes data -Has binlog enabled -Pushes binlog events when needed Slave: -Ask master for replication logs -Get binlog event from master -control point of replication Binary log: synchronous replication (commit后就复制) -a transaction is not committed until the data has been replicated (and applied) -safer, but slower -in mysql cluster asynchronous replication -a transaction is replicated after is has been committed -faster,but you can in some cases loose transactions if master fails -easy to set up between mysql servers semi-sync replication (5.5 version) -a transaction is replicated after is has been committed on master and at least one slave receipt of all replication events for the transaction -Be used to protect user transaction when error occur in asynchronous replication http:www.foxitsoftware.com How to configure Master- Slave replication Mater configuration--required -Log_bin -server-id Slave configuration -required -server_id -different from master's server_id optional items: master: -binlog-do-db 明确指定复制那些数据库,那些数据库不复制,当有许多数据库的时候 (eg: binlog-do-db=db1 binlog-do-db=db2 ) -binlog-ignore-db slave: -replicate-do-db -replicate-ignore-db -replicate-do-table -replicate-ignore-table -replicate-wild-do-table -replicate-wild-ignore-table -read-only (root用户还是可以修改的) -log-slave-updates 可以做其他slave的master,它自己即是slave也是master,但是用的场景不多 -skip-slave-start master 启动的时候随即启动 configuration -grants on master grant replication slave on *.* to (必须是*.* 所有库所有表的权限) 'repl_user'@'repl_host' identified by 'repl-pass'; DEPLOY(1) step1: master -check log_bin if turn on -check server_id step2: make a backup of the master -online or offline backup DEPLOY(2) step3:slave 1,restore the backup to slave --mysql< --others 2,specified the point where start to replicate -CHANGE MASTER TO xxxx 3,startup slave to catch up with master -start slave 4, check slave status -show slave status\G CHANGE MASTER TO 1,used on slave 2,requires super privileges 3,configures the slave server connection to the master 4,slave should not be running 5,the user need replication slave privileges on master change master to master_host='' master_user='repl' master_password='repl_pwd' start slave | stop slave 1,used on slave 2,used to start or stop the slave threads 3,defaults to affecting both I/O and SQL thread 4,..but individual threads can be started or stopped 5,start slave SQL_THREAD 6,START SLAVE IO_THREAD 复制和engine无关: innodb to innodb innodb to myisam myiasm to innodb memory to myisam one master to many slaves master slave ---master slave 主库备库 主库备库 show master status\G show binary logs; used on master; requires super privileges; show binlog events used on master requires super privileges; show slave hosts used on master requires super privileges; show list of slaves currently registered with the master only slaves started with report-host option are visible purge binlog logs used on master expire_log_days SQL_LOG_BIN set SQL_LOG_BIN used on master requires super privileges session variable controls logging to binary log does not work for NDB mysql>set SQL_LOG_BIN=0; mysql>insert into t1 values(1,2,3); mysql>set sql_log_bin=1; EXPIRE_LOGS_DAYS 0 means "never expire" used on master requires super privileges positive value means expire logs after this many days logs will be removed at startup or binary log rotation can be used with running slave logs are removed ! make sure you have backup! RESET MASTER used on master requires reload privileges deletes all binary logs in the index file resets binary log index used to get a "clean start" use with caution!you lose data!!! SHOW SLAVE STATUS used on slave requires super or replication client privileges RESET SLAVE used on slave removes all info on replication position -deletes master.info ,relay-log.info and all relay logs relay logs are unconditionally removed!!! ..even if they have not been fully applied SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER used on slave global sever variable requires super privilege HA:双master HA OVERVIEW HA : HIGH availability SPOF: single point of failure Failover: switch over automatically switch over---manually MySQL HA solution MySQL replication MySQL DRBD MySQL with shared storage MySQL cluster 24*365*60*60*(1-0.99999) MYSQL Replication Master sever: changes data keeps log of changes slave server: ask master for events executes events Synchronouse replication 1,data is replicated and appllied then committed 2,provides consistency ,but slower 3,provided by MySQL Cluster Asynchronous replication 1,transactions committed immediately and replicated 2,no consistency,but faster 3,provided by MySQL Server SemiSyncReplication 1,provided by Google Binary log 1,log every change (select 是不记录的,只记录改变的) 2,split into transaction groups File: master_bin.NNNNNN 1,The actual contents of the binlog File: master_bin.index 1,an index file over the files above Master: I/O thread Slave: I/O thread and SQL Thread master.info contains: Read coordinates: -master log name and master log position Connection information: -host,user,password ,port -SSL keys and certificates relay-log.info contains: Group master coordinates: -master log name and master log position Group relay log coordinates: -relay log name and relay log position Steps: 1,Fix my.cnf file for master and slave 2,add user and grants on master 3,take backup of master 4,bootstrap slave from backup 5,configure slave 6,start slave 7,check slave status show slave status\G Master configuration --required(必选择) log_bin server_id slave configuration --required(必选择) server_id --different from master's server_id show variables like 'server%'; show variables like 'log%'; 看log_bin是否开启用 show grants for repl@; 设置全局锁: flush tables with read lock; show master status; 记住位置 unlock tables; show variables like 'datadir%'; show grants; MYSQL data dictionary: information_schema 此数据库不能更新的 它store database metadata CHARACTER_SETS 当前数据可以支持的字符集 collations校对字符集 collation_character_set_applicability tables: 包含数据库中所有的表 select concat('grant select ,insert on ',table_schema,'.', table_name ,' to abc@localhost;') from tables where table_schema='sakila' and talbe_name like '%actor%'; COLUMNS 表 statistics 表的索引的统计信息 show index dbname.tbname; user_privileges 用户级别的权限 schema_privileges 库级别的权限 table_privileges 表级别的权限 column_privileges 列级别的权限 table_constraints 表之间的关系 KEY_COLUMN_USAGE ROUTINES VIEWS TRIGGERS 提升MYSQL的安全性 目录权限 mysql_secure_installation mysql>\! ls -lt /var/lib/mysql skip-networking bind-address=127.0.01 禁止local infile local_infile=0 show variables like '%local_infile%' vi /tmp/tt 1 china 2 usa 3 XXX mysql>set @@global.local_infile=1; mysql>load data local infile '/tmp/tt' into table tt; 我的命令会记录在: ~/.mysql_history 数据传输: SSL -Openssl -Yassl show variables like '%ssl%'; 备份的安全 -加密 -放银行 -放专门的备份机 拥护相关的 user@ip or host 权限最小化 保护好你的root或改名 rename user root@ toadmin@ show grants for admin@ 删除空用户或空密码 定期检查用户,对用户进行登记 MysqlRoles工具from google SQL INJECTION SQL注入