来源:自学PHP网 时间:2015-04-14 12:58 作者: 阅读:次
[导读] 微信公众平台消息接口 微信公众平台API 微信开发模式多语种翻译 多语言互译 Microsoft Translator 方倍工作室 Paraphrase API10 out of 11 rated this helpful-Rate this topicThe Par...
Paraphrase API
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The Paraphrase API is an English-to-English machine translation system that rephrases English sentences in English. This API uses the same architecture that the Microsoft Translator API uses for translation. The purpose of the Paraphrase API is to reword or rephrase the content without losing its meaning or idea. The Paraphrase API uses the REST service using GET over HTTP. It uses simple XML and JSON formatting. EndpointThe endpoint of the Paraphrase API is either one of the following:
Return value
The return value provides as many paraphrased sentences as the number specified in the maxTranslations request parameter.
Error Messages
The following are the most common error messages.
Examplehas some issues !!! <?php class AccessTokenAuthentication { /* * Get the access token. * * @param string $grantType Grant type. * @param string $scopeUrl Application Scope URL. * @param string $clientID Application client ID. * @param string $clientSecret Application client ID. * @param string $authUrl Oauth Url. * * @return string. */ function getTokens($grantType, $scopeUrl, $clientID, $clientSecret, $authUrl){ try { //Initialize the Curl Session. $ch = curl_init(); //Create the request Array. $paramArr = array ( 'grant_type' => $grantType, 'scope' => $scopeUrl, 'client_id' => $clientID, 'client_secret' => $clientSecret ); //Create an Http Query.// $paramArr = http_build_query($paramArr); //Set the Curl URL. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $authUrl); //Set HTTP POST Request. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); //Set data to POST in HTTP "POST" Operation. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $paramArr); //CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER- TRUE to return the transfer as a string of the return value of curl_exec(). curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); //CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER- Set FALSE to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); //Execute the cURL session. $strResponse = curl_exec($ch); //Get the Error Code returned by Curl. $curlErrno = curl_errno($ch); if($curlErrno){ $curlError = curl_error($ch); throw new Exception($curlError); } //Close the Curl Session. curl_close($ch); //Decode the returned JSON string. $objResponse = json_decode($strResponse); if ($objResponse->error){ throw new Exception($objResponse->error_description); } return $objResponse->access_token; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Exception-".$e->getMessage(); } } } /* * Class:HTTPTranslator * * Processing the translator request. */ Class HTTPTranslator { /* * Create and execute the HTTP CURL request. * * @param string $url HTTP Url. * @param string $authHeader Authorization Header string. * * @return string. * */ function curlRequest($url, $authHeader){ //Initialize the Curl Session. $ch = curl_init(); //Set the Curl url. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); //Set the HTTP HEADER Fields. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array($authHeader)); //CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER- TRUE to return the transfer as a string of the return value of curl_exec(). curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); //CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER- Set FALSE to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, False); //Execute the cURL session. $curlResponse = curl_exec($ch); //Get the Error Code returned by Curl. $curlErrno = curl_errno($ch); if ($curlErrno) { $curlError = curl_error($ch); throw new Exception($curlError); } //Close a cURL session. curl_close($ch); return $curlResponse; } } try { //Client ID of the application. $clientID = "clientId"; //Client Secret key of the application. $clientSecret = "ClientSecret"; //OAuth Url. $authUrl = "https://datamarket.accesscontrol.windows.net/v2/OAuth2-13/"; //Application Scope Url $scopeUrl = "http://api.microsofttranslator.com"; //Application grant type $grantType = "client_credentials"; //Create the AccessTokenAuthentication object. $authObj = new AccessTokenAuthentication(); //Get the Access token. $accessToken = $authObj->getTokens($grantType, $scopeUrl, $clientID, $clientSecret, $authUrl); //Create the authorization Header string. $authHeader = "Authorization: Bearer ". $accessToken; //Set the params. $sentence = "rephrasing is a hard problem for the computer."; $language = "en-us"; $category = "general"; $maxParaphrase = '6'; $params = "sentence=".urlencode($sentence)."&language=$language&category=$category&maxParaphrases=$maxParaphrase"; //HTTP paraphrase URL. $paraphraseUrl = "http://api.microsofttranslator.com/v3/json/paraphrase?$params"; //Create the Translator Object. $translatorObj = new HTTPTranslator(); //Call the curlRequest. echo $curlResponse = $translatorObj->curlRequest($paraphraseUrl, $authHeader); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } /* * Create and execute the HTTP CURL request. * * @param string $url HTTP Url. * @param string $authHeader Authorization Header string. * @param string $postData Data to post. * * @return string. * */ function curlRequest($url, $authHeader) { //Initialize the Curl Session. $ch = curl_init(); //Set the Curl url. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); //Set the HTTP HEADER Fields. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array($authHeader,"Content-Type: text/xml")); //CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER- TRUE to return the transfer as a string of the return value of curl_exec(). curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); //CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER- Set FALSE to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, False); //Execute the cURL session. $curlResponse = curl_exec($ch); //Get the Error Code returned by Curl. $curlErrno = curl_errno($ch); if ($curlErrno) { $curlError = curl_error($ch); throw new Exception($curlError); } //Close a cURL session. curl_close($ch); return $curlResponse; }
Translator Language CodesMicrosoft Translator continually adds to the list of supported languages for the Translation and Text to Speech methods. You can always obtain the current list of available language codes using the GetLanguagesForTranslate() or GetLanguagesForSpeak() methods. These methods will return a language code. You can translate that language code into a friendly name in any of the supported languages using the GetLanguageNames() method. Below are the friendly names in English - you can retrieve them in any of the listed languages using GetLanguageNames().
Here is the list (as of January 2012):