来源:自学PHP网 时间:2014-12-14 21:28 作者: 阅读:次
[导读] FCKeditor提供了一个完整的JavaScript API(Application Public Interface),你可以利用这些API来处理FCK编辑器,只要它被加载完成或在正在运行中....
FCKeditor offers a complete JavaScript API so you can interact with it once the editor is loaded and running. 复制代码 代码如下: * Description = string 描述 * EditMode = Integer 编辑状态 * Name = string 名字 * Status = Integer 状态 * function AttachToOnSelectionChange(functionPointer) * function CleanAndPaste(html) * function CreateElement(tag) * function CreateLink(url) * function ExecOnSelectionChange() //Fires OnSelectionChange event in event manager * function ExecOnSelectionChangeTimer() * function ExecuteNamedCommand(commandName, commandParameter) * function ExecuteRedirectedNamedCommand(commandName, commandParameter) * function Focus() * function GetHTML(format) // doesnt work. Use GetXHTML instead. * function GetNamedCommandState(commandName) * function GetNamedCommandValue(commandName) * function GetXHTML(format) * function InitializeBehaviors() * function InsertElement(element) * function InsertElementAndGetIt(e) * function InsertHtml(html) * function IsDirty(); * function MakeEditable() * function OnDoubleClick(element) * function Paste() * function PasteAsPlainText() * function PasteFromWord() * function Preview() * function RegisterDoubleClickHandler(handlerFunction, tag) * function ResetIsDirty(); * function SetHTML(html, forceWYSIWYG) * function SetStatus() * function ShowContextMenu(x, y) * function SwitchEditMode() * function UpdateLinkedField() EventsOnce the editor loading is complete and it is ready to use (and interact with JavaScript), a standard function is called in the page that contains the editor, if the function is defined. This function must be named "FCKeditor_OnComplete" and receives the related editor instance as the parameter. Using it, you can execute any initial code that makes the initial interaction with the editor. This is a declaration example: function FCKeditor_OnComplete( editorInstance ) { alert( editorInstance.Name ) ; } Apart the above standard event, every FCKeditor instance has a "Event" object that can be used to listen for events to be fired. For example, the following code listens for the "OnSelectionChange" to execute custom code: var counter = 0 ; function DoSomething( editorInstance ) { window.document.title = editorInstance.Name + ' : ' + ( ++counter ) ; } function FCKeditor_OnComplete( editorInstance ) { editorInstance.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnSelectionChange', DoSomething ) ; } Note that every callback function receives the editor instance as a parameter. The following is the list of events available: OnSelectionChange: fired when the actual selection in the editor area changes (by selection I mean the cursor position too... it changes on key strokes). Note: In IE6, this event does not fire on every keystroke, but only on some random keystrokes. Handy! OnAfterSetHTML: fired once the HTML is loaded in the editor (including when changing views). OnStatusChange: fired when the editor status changes. The following constants are also available globally in the page: FCK_STATUS_NOTLOADED, FCK_STATUS_ACTIVE and FCK_STATUS_COMPLETE. OnPaste: fired when something is pasted in the editor 配置选项: AutoDetectLanguage=true/false 自动检测语言 BaseHref="" _fcksavedurl="""" 相对链接的基地址 ContentLangDirection="ltr/rtl" 默认文字方向 ContextMenu=字符串数组,右键菜单的内容 CustomConfigurationsPath="" 自定义配置文件路径和名称 Debug=true/false 是否开启调试功能,这样,当调用FCKDebug.Output()时,会在调试窗中输出内容 DefaultLanguage="" 缺省语言 EditorAreaCss="" 编辑区的样式表文件 EnableSourceXHTML=true/false 为TRUE时,当由可视化界面切换到代码页时,把HTML处理成XHTML EnableXHTML=true/false 是否允许使用XHTML取代HTML FillEmptyBlocks=true/false 使用这个功能,可以将空的块级元素用空格来替代 FontColors="" 设置显示颜色拾取器时文字颜色列表 FontFormats="" 设置显示在文字格式列表中的命名 FontNames="" 字体列表中的字体名 FontSizes="" 字体大小中的字号列表 ForcePasteAsPlainText=true/false 强制粘贴为纯文本 ForceSimpleAmpersand=true/false 是否不把&符号转换为XML实体 FormatIndentator="" 当在源码格式下缩进代码使用的字符 FormatOutput=true/false 当输出内容时是否自动格式化代码 FormatSource=true/false 在切换到代码视图时是否自动格式化代码 FullPage=true/false 是否允许编辑整个HTML文件,还是仅允许编辑BODY间的内容 GeckoUseSPAN=true/false 是否允许SPAN标记代替B,I,U标记 IeSpellDownloadUrl=""下载拼写检查器的网址 ImageBrowser=true/false 是否允许浏览服务器功能 ImageBrowserURL="" 浏览服务器时运行的URL ImageBrowserWindowHeight="" 图像浏览器窗口高度 ImageBrowserWindowWidth="" 图像浏览器窗口宽度 LinkBrowser=true/false 是否允许在插入链接时浏览服务器 LinkBrowserURL="" 插入链接时浏览服务器的URL LinkBrowserWindowHeight=""链接目标浏览器窗口高度 LinkBrowserWindowWidth=""链接目标浏览器窗口宽度 Plugins=object 注册插件 PluginsPath="" 插件文件夹 ShowBorders=true/false 合并边框 SkinPath="" 皮肤文件夹位置 SmileyColumns=12 图符窗列数 SmileyImages=字符数组 图符窗中图片文件名数组 SmileyPath="" 图符文件夹路径 SmileyWindowHeight 图符窗口高度 SmileyWindowWidth 图符窗口宽度 SpellChecker="ieSpell/Spellerpages" 设置拼写检查器 StartupFocus=true/false 开启时FOCUS到编辑器 StylesXmlPath="" 设置定义CSS样式列表的XML文件的位置 TabSpaces=4 TAB键产生的空格字符数 ToolBarCanCollapse=true/false 是否允许展开/折叠工具栏 ToolbarSets=object 允许使用TOOLBAR集合 ToolbarStartExpanded=true/false 开启是TOOLBAR是否展开 UseBROnCarriageReturn=true/false 当回车时是产生BR标记还是P或者DIV标记 |