Class: CameraManager

Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D. CameraManager

The Camera Manager is a plugin that belongs to a Scene and is responsible for managing all of the Scene Cameras.

By default you can access the Camera Manager from within a Scene using this.cameras, although this can be changed in your game config.

Create new Cameras using the add method. Or extend the Camera class with your own addition code and then add the new Camera in using the addExisting method.

Cameras provide a view into your game world, and can be positioned, rotated, zoomed and scrolled accordingly.

A Camera consists of two elements: The viewport and the scroll values.

The viewport is the physical position and size of the Camera within your game. Cameras, by default, are created the same size as your game, but their position and size can be set to anything. This means if you wanted to create a camera that was 320x200 in size, positioned in the bottom-right corner of your game, you'd adjust the viewport to do that (using methods like setViewport and setSize).

If you wish to change where the Camera is looking in your game, then you scroll it. You can do this via the properties scrollX and scrollY or the method setScroll. Scrolling has no impact on the viewport, and changing the viewport has no impact on the scrolling.

By default a Camera will render all Game Objects it can see. You can change this using the ignore method, allowing you to filter Game Objects out on a per-Camera basis. The Camera Manager can manage up to 31 unique 'Game Object ignore capable' Cameras. Any Cameras beyond 31 that you create will all be given a Camera ID of zero, meaning that they cannot be used for Game Object exclusion. This means if you need your Camera to ignore Game Objects, make sure it's one of the first 31 created.

A Camera also has built-in special effects including Fade, Flash, Camera Shake, Pan and Zoom.

new CameraManager(scene)

Name Type Description
scene Phaser.Scene

The Scene that owns the Camera Manager plugin.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 15)


cameras :Array.<Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera>

An Array of the Camera objects being managed by this Camera Manager. The Cameras are updated and rendered in the same order in which they appear in this array. Do not directly add or remove entries to this array. However, you can move the contents around the array should you wish to adjust the display order.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 89)

default :Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera

A default un-transformed Camera that doesn't exist on the camera list and doesn't count towards the total number of cameras being managed. It exists for other systems, as well as your own code, should they require a basic un-transformed camera instance from which to calculate a view matrix.

Since: 3.17.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 118)

main :Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera

A handy reference to the 'main' camera. By default this is the first Camera the Camera Manager creates. You can also set it directly, or use the makeMain argument in the add and addExisting methods. It allows you to access it from your game:

var cam = this.cameras.main;

Also see the properties camera1, camera2 and so on.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 101)

roundPixels :boolean

All Cameras created by, or added to, this Camera Manager, will have their roundPixels property set to match this value. By default it is set to match the value set in the game configuration, but can be changed at any point. Equally, individual cameras can also be changed as needed.

  • boolean
Since: 3.11.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 77)

scene :Phaser.Scene

The Scene that owns the Camera Manager plugin.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 59)

systems :Phaser.Scenes.Systems

A reference to the Scene.Systems handler for the Scene that owns the Camera Manager.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 68)


add( [x] [, y] [, width] [, height] [, makeMain] [, name])

Adds a new Camera into the Camera Manager. The Camera Manager can support up to 31 different Cameras.

Each Camera has its own viewport, which controls the size of the Camera and its position within the canvas.

Use the Camera.scrollX and Camera.scrollY properties to change where the Camera is looking, or the Camera methods such as centerOn. Cameras also have built in special effects, such as fade, flash, shake, pan and zoom.

By default Cameras are transparent and will render anything that they can see based on their scrollX and scrollY values. Game Objects can be set to be ignored by a Camera by using the Camera.ignore method.

The Camera will have its roundPixels property set to whatever CameraManager.roundPixels is. You can change it after creation if required.

See the Camera class documentation for more details.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number <optional>

The horizontal position of the Camera viewport.

y number <optional>

The vertical position of the Camera viewport.

width number <optional>

The width of the Camera viewport. If not given it'll be the game config size.

height number <optional>

The height of the Camera viewport. If not given it'll be the game config size.

makeMain boolean <optional>

Set this Camera as being the 'main' camera. This just makes the property main a reference to it.

name string <optional>

The name of the Camera.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 205)

The newly created Camera.


addExisting(camera [, makeMain])

Adds an existing Camera into the Camera Manager.

The Camera should either be a Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera instance, or a class that extends from it.

The Camera will have its roundPixels property set to whatever CameraManager.roundPixels is. You can change it after addition if required.

The Camera will be assigned an ID, which is used for Game Object exclusion and then added to the manager. As long as it doesn't already exist in the manager it will be added then returned.

If this method returns null then the Camera already exists in this Camera Manager.

Name Type Argument Default Description
camera Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera

The Camera to be added to the Camera Manager.

makeMain boolean <optional>

Set this Camera as being the 'main' camera. This just makes the property main a reference to it.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 261)

The Camera that was added to the Camera Manager, or null if it couldn't be added.



Populates this Camera Manager based on the given configuration object, or an array of config objects.

See the Phaser.Types.Cameras.Scene2D.CameraConfig documentation for details of the object structure.

Name Type Description
config Phaser.Types.Cameras.Scene2D.CameraConfig | Array.<Phaser.Types.Cameras.Scene2D.CameraConfig>

A Camera configuration object, or an array of them, to be added to this Camera Manager.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 388)

This Camera Manager instance.



Gets a Camera based on its name.

Camera names are optional and don't have to be set, so this method is only of any use if you have given your Cameras unique names.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the Camera.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 457)

The first Camera with a name matching the given string, otherwise null.



Returns an array of all cameras below the given Pointer.

The first camera in the array is the top-most camera in the camera list.

Name Type Description
pointer Phaser.Input.Pointer

The Pointer to check against.

Since: 3.10.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 485)

An array of cameras below the Pointer.


getTotal( [isVisible])

Gets the total number of Cameras in this Camera Manager.

If the optional isVisible argument is set it will only count Cameras that are currently visible.

Name Type Argument Default Description
isVisible boolean <optional>

Set the true to only include visible Cameras in the total.

Since: 3.11.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 355)

The total number of Cameras in this Camera Manager.


getVisibleChildren(children, camera)

Takes an array of Game Objects and a Camera and returns a new array containing only those Game Objects that pass the willRender test against the given Camera.

Name Type Description
children Array.<Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject>

An array of Game Objects to be checked against the camera.

camera Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera

The camera to filte the Game Objects against.

Since: 3.50.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 608)

A filtered list of only Game Objects within the Scene that will render against the given Camera.


onResize(gameSize, baseSize)

The event handler that manages the resize event dispatched by the Scale Manager.

Name Type Description
gameSize Phaser.Structs.Size

The default Game Size object. This is the un-modified game dimensions.

baseSize Phaser.Structs.Size

The base Size object. The game dimensions. The canvas width / height values match this.

Since: 3.18.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 681)

remove(camera [, runDestroy])

Removes the given Camera, or an array of Cameras, from this Camera Manager.

If found in the Camera Manager it will be immediately removed from the local cameras array. If also currently the 'main' camera, 'main' will be reset to be camera 0.

The removed Cameras are automatically destroyed if the runDestroy argument is true, which is the default. If you wish to re-use the cameras then set this to false, but know that they will retain their references and internal data until destroyed or re-added to a Camera Manager.

Name Type Argument Default Description
camera Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera | Array.<Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera>

The Camera, or an array of Cameras, to be removed from this Camera Manager.

runDestroy boolean <optional>

Automatically call Camera.destroy on each Camera removed from this Camera Manager.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 520)

The total number of Cameras removed.


<protected> render(renderer, children)

The internal render method. This is called automatically by the Scene and should not be invoked directly.

It will iterate through all local cameras and render them in turn, as long as they're visible and have an alpha level > 0.

Name Type Description
renderer Phaser.Renderer.Canvas.CanvasRenderer | Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLRenderer

The Renderer that will render the children to this camera.

children Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList

The Display List for the Scene.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 575)


Resets this Camera Manager.

This will iterate through all current Cameras, destroying them all, then it will reset the cameras array, reset the ID counter and create 1 new single camera using the default values.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 638)

The freshly created main Camera.


resize(width, height)

Resizes all cameras to the given dimensions.

Name Type Description
width number

The new width of the camera.

height number

The new height of the camera.

Since: 3.2.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 706)

<protected> update(time, delta)

The main update loop. Called automatically when the Scene steps.

Name Type Description
time number

The current timestamp as generated by the Request Animation Frame or SetTimeout.

delta number

The delta time, in ms, elapsed since the last frame.

Since: 3.0.0
Source: src/cameras/2d/CameraManager.js (Line 663)